It’s easy to become a member!
You and your immediate family members* who live, work, worship or attend school in Dauphin or Lebanon Counties can become members. Also, any immediate family member* of current Hershey FCU members are eligible to join.
*Immediate family members include spouse, children, siblings, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, step-parents, step-children, step-siblings, and adopted relationships.
To Join at a Branch
To open an account, you will need to bring the following:
- Valid identification such as a Driver’s License, State or Government issued ID, US Passport, or Permanent Resident Card
- Social Security Number
- All members are required to make a $5.00 deposit upon account opening.
Once you are a member, you can sign up for our convenient products and services such as:
Direct Deposit, Bill Pay, Remote Deposit, our Free Checking account or Rewards Checking account, Money Market Accounts, Share Certificates (CDs), IRAs, Loans, a VISA Credit Card, and more!
That's It!
Either online, or in person, membership is easy. If you have any questions or need more information, please call Hershey FCU at (717) 533-9174.
Please note: To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.
What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents.